Welcome to the updates page
I will leave updates on whats currently going on in the immediate country.
4/9/24: I will be doing head counts
4/15/24: as of now I have finished doing a head count and we have 27 citizens, I have also handed out the following certificates: a certificate of age to the oldest citizen, 3 certificates of theft to legally steal or pirate, a certificate of "the III" to legally add "the III" to somebodies name, and, a certificate of douchebaggery I have also made legal tender know as "zorpy" and made of differing colors of clay and in seperate shapes.
4/17/24: a nation has recently declared war upon us, the "feasting republic" has 12 citizens and when the war is up we will be victorious! 33 STRONG!!!!! RAAAAAHHHH!!!
4/22/24: happy earth day!!! Jaggistan is helping reduce climate change by constantly removing litter in and around the area of Jaggistan and recycling when we can!
4/24/24: two announcements today- one happy tripple four and two I just wanted to let you know that as a Jaggistanian, you are above most common people and that you should expect to be treated as such. 34 STRONG!
8/22/24: Its been sometime since the news was last released, there has been many happenings since, however currently I am working on a microwiki page for our country so that way our great, beutiful country of Jaggistan will be more public and known about the land that surrounds us.
9/4/24: today I celebrate the inauguration of the duke of Jaggistan and the earl of Jaggistan, pink the duke and duke the earl. Both of which are of canine decent, however I do not discriminate.
9/30/24: as halloween creeps ever closer, so does "lords day" aka my birthday! I expect you all to enjoy a fine slice of cake!
1/27/25: today i am redisigning the current Jaggistany flag, glory to Jaggistan!